Urgent: Good News!
Experience the Road to
In this broken world, you’ll face sadness, trouble, and pain.  But don’t lose hope! A true and living hope  is within your grasp!
God, the all-powerful Creator of the universe,  sent God the Son, Jesus  the Christ  to save the lost.  Through His sacrifice,  Jesus has overcome the world,  and all who turn to Him in faith will be saved! 
You’ll be transformed  by the power of God the Holy Spirit,  as you are conformed to the image of Jesus.  To love as He loves,  to live with joy, peace,  and purpose  — even in the midst of sadness, trouble, and pain. 

The Uncompromising Love of God
Are you curious about the message of the Gospel? From the love demonstrated by the Creator of the universe, to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Discover the truth of the Gospel message and the depth of God’s love.
Explore different resources to help you navigate your journey of understanding who God is while examining the Christian faith.
Are You Lost?
How can you tell if you’re lost, if you don’t know where you’re going?
Every journey has a destination. As you travel through life, you aren’t randomly wandering around. The route you travel will lead to a destination. Heaven or Hell awaits at the end of your journey.
But not all roads lead to Heaven. In life, if we pick a random road and say that it takes us to Philadelphia, that would be impossible and foolish. Only one road leads to Heaven and it is only accessible through faith in Jesus.

Roadmap to Heaven?
Thankfully, we don't have to aimlessly wander around lost as we travel through this life.
Many false roadmaps  exist that will mislead you.  But a true and accurate map can only be given by someone who has actually been to Heaven!  That person is Jesus  and the only roadmap is the Word of God  that we call the Bible!
When we turn around in our journey and turn to Jesus in faith, we are redeemed and find salvation. His teachings give us the wisdom and direction we need to navigate this life as we eagerly look forward to our destination in Heaven, reconciled with God for eternity.
The Bible is the infallible, inerrant, & inspired Word of God and is the standard for testing all secondary sources. The Bible tells of God's love for His people, our fall into sin, and God's plan to redeem & reconcile us through God the Son, Jesus.
Filling the Emptiness
On this journey of life, we often wander down paths of external fixes, hoping to find fulfillment.
Explore why temporary satisfaction is not enough and what it truly takes to fill the void within us. Turn around and find your way to your true purpose.
Road to Heaven
It's all too easy to compare ourselves to the "bad" people on the news, and think how “good” we must be! But the truth is, nobody is actually good.  You might think  that as long as you’re doing good deeds and being "better" than the people on the news, you'll earn your way into Heaven. But that's not how it works!
Navigating towards a destination without a proper guide, like a GPS, is a recipe for getting lost, just like trying to reach Heaven without faith in Jesus is the wrong way! Imagine setting out on a journey to a distant city like Philadelphia without a GPS. Sure, the road may look promising, but you will get lost. There is only one road to Heaven and that is through faith in Jesus. 
Without turning around toward Christ, you'll be forever lost.  Don't be fooled by the roads that look good or even easy,  Jesus is essential to get to Heaven.

Only One Road Leads to Heaven,
and That Road Is Through Jesus!

It wasn’t until God worked in me,  allowing me to turn from my disbelief  and experience salvation,  that I realized the true road to Heaven. I learned that it isn’t about being a good person or doing good things, but about having a right relationship with God  through faith in Jesus. 
If you’ve ever felt guilty or ashamed, then God is revealing to you the truth about your nature and your need for a Savior.  Submit to that feeling of conviction and turn around in your journey,  away from doing what God hates and toward Jesus and His path. 
This article digs into the journey toward our eternal destination and how the objective truth of the Bible can contrast with our subjective claims.
Does God Hate?
Wait a second! What?
God perfectly loves!  He is perfectly worthy,  perfectly wise,  perfectly faithful,  and perfectly perfect!  Perfection is God’s standard!  And it is in His perfect love and perfect justice  that He hates everything opposed to love.
So yes, God’s perfection also extends to what He hates  …
- Proud Attitudes
- Lying Tongues
- Killing Innocent People
- Plotting Acts Of Evil
- Stirring Up Trouble
- and Other Sinful Acts
God’s expected standard of perfection is His perfect law that He expects us to meet.

We Miss the Bullseye
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly falling short? Like no matter how hard you try, you can never measure up to the expectations placed on you? That’s what sin is – everything that missing the bullseye of God’s perfect standard.
But it’s not simply a matter of breaking the rules. Rather it’s about falling short of the perfection that God expects of you. In other words, every time you sin, you commit a crime against God’s perfect law.  And let’s be honest, we’ve all fallen short.
And It’s not only the “bad” people who are sinners! No matter how good your intentions may be, we can never achieve the level of perfection that God requires. We all fail to hit the target because we are all sinners. 
God’s law is not a suggestion or a guideline! It is a standard of perfection that we are each held to.
Consequences of Sin
Sin corrupts and pollutes everything  it touches, leaving a trail of destruction  in its wake.
Sin eats away at you from the inside.  Every lie you tell, every selfish act you commit, every addiction you feed, leaves a stain on who you are. 
And it’s not just about you. Your sins have a ripple effect that extends far beyond your own life as they spread into the world and causes harm to those you love and even to those you don’t know. Every hurtful word you speak,  every time you gossip, every injustice you ignore,  they all contribute to a world that’s filled with pain and suffering.
The greatest tragedy of sin is that it separates you from God. Your sins create a barrier between you and God.  And in that separation, you’ll find only emptiness and despair  as you try and cover up your hopelessness through temporary joys. 

God is Just!
Because God is perfectly just,  in His love, He demands justice  for your crimes against His perfect law. And in His perfect justice, He can’t simply exonerate you,  change His mind,  or let certain people off the hook  for their sins and wrongdoings. That would make Him unjust. 
If you understand the outcry, “No Justice, No Peace“, then you see a glimpse of the perfect fairness and accountability of God’s justice and how it reflects His perfect love, wisdom, and righteousness and why justice is so important to God.
God has set a day  when every person will be held accountable for their actions. We will be held accountable for everything we’ve done.  Even for every careless word that we have spoken! 
The final destination of your journey will be determined based on your ability to uphold God’s perfect law.
Every person that is found guilty  will face the wrath of God,  demonstrating the perfect fairness of His perfect justice.

Can I Ever Measure Up?
To be saved and inherit eternal life by our own works, we must live up to God’s perfect standard  as revealed in His perfect law.  This means we must love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind,  as well as love our neighbor  as ourselves. 
But the reality is, we fail to follow our own moral compass,  let alone God’s perfect standard. 
Despite our best efforts to live according to His perfect law, we will always fall short.  This is because God’s law is perfect and holy, which we are not.  Rather we are imperfect and prone to making mistakes
You Can’t Save Yourself
When we realize that we can’t perfectly abide by God’s perfect law, that we consistently miss the mark, our sinfulness is exposed.  It is in these shortcomings that we see our inability to achieve righteousness on our own, no matter how hard we try. 
There is absolutely nothing that we can do to make ourselves right with God.  Why? Because it is logically impossible for our good deeds  and moral behavior to make up for even a single wrong we’ve done. 
Even if we gave each of our paychecks to help the poor and spend all our time trying to do what we consider good, the wrong we’ve done is still there.  No amount of good can ever erase or justify a wrong. That’s not how true justice works. 
We all deserve God’s wrath for our crimes against Him,  and His perfect justice demands a penalty of death. 
We are hopelessly lost without a Savior, unable to rescue ourselves from the righteous wrath of God or to earn His favor through our own actions.

Only Jesus Saves
Despite our inability to meet God’s perfect standard, there is still hope. 
God, in His mercy and grace, has chosen  to draw  many  lost people away from the path that leads to Hell and calls them  to follow Him  to eternal life with Him in Heaven. 
Salvation is a gift from God that is freely given to people by His grace through their faith in Jesus  as Lord  and Savior.1 Timothy 2:5-6 
When you turn away from your disbelief,  your sin,  and your reliance on your own works,  and you turn to Jesus in faith, trusting in His completed work on the cross,  He assumes the guilt of your sins upon Himself,  and He credits you with His perfect righteousness as if it were your own. 
Through your faith in Jesus, Christ’s perfection is legally credited to you,  and you are reconciled to God  and adopted as His child.  God, as your Father,  forgives you of your sins , promises you eternal life,  and will continue to save you  as you follow Christ until you are fully conformed into Christ’s image  in Heaven. 

What Turning to Jesus isn’t
This doesn’t mean you will stop sinning!  When you turn to Jesus, you are still in the same spot on your journey. But instead of facing the direction of the darkness of sin, you are now facing the direction of the light of Christ. 
Instead, when God looks at you, He will no longer see your crimes against Him, but will see the perfection of Jesus.  And when you stumble, you confess your sin and He will faithfully forgive you. 

Through Christ Alone
0% of this is based on your own efforts. All of it is 100% God!
By God’s grace,  through the work of Jesus on the cross,  and brought to realization by the Holy Spirit’s work  in a person’s heart!
It wasn’t the unimaginable suffering that Jesus endured at the hand of the Romans and Jewish people.  Through Christ’s sacrifice, He willingly took the penalty for our sins.  He paid the price that we owe  and He suffered and endured the full crushing weight of God’s wrath,  the very punishment of God’s perfect justice that we each deserve.
Without faith in Christ’s sacrifice, there is no true peace,  as your sins remain unpaid  and God’s justice remains unsatisfied,  leaving you guilty and remaining under the condemnation of the law.  God’s wrath will justly be poured out upon you as a just punishment for your crimes against Him. 
It is only through Jesus that you can be reconciled to God,  forgiven,  set free from the punishment and chains  of sin,  experience the peace that surpasses all understanding,  and receive eternal life with God in Heaven. 
The Road to Heaven
To reach Heaven, you must be turned around! A supernatural mind change is needed — a change of mind that leads to a strong desire to turn away from your disbelief, self-reliance, and sin and toward Jesus in faith.
Believing in the name of Jesus means that in that change of mind, you recognize that you cannot save yourself. That as a sinner you desperately need a Savior. It means trusting in Him as the Son of God and as your Savior.

From Lost to Found
You must turn to Jesus and trust that His work on the cross is 100% sufficient and efficient for your salvation. This belief requires a change of mind and heart, drawing you to turn away from sin and to Jesus.
By the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, you will no longer be spiritually dead and lost in sin. The justice of God was coming for you, but by the love and mercy of God, He saved you from Himself, for Himself, and by Himself. You will have been found by Christ and made spiritually alive and saved solely by the work of Jesus on the Cross .
Do you believe this? If you truly believe in the name of Jesus, then by God’s grace you are saved, recieved through your faith in Christ!

Follow Christ
Jesus turned to the great crowds traveling with Him and said …
Just as a person must count the cost before beginning a project, Jesus is telling the great crowds to consider whether they are prepared for the challenges that they will face as His followers.
Following Christ is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is a response to the grace of God freely given to us, and it requires our full commitment and surrender to Him.
Salvation is 100% free and not based on our own merits or efforts. We are 100% saved by God’s grace, through our faith in Christ and His work on the cross. But following Christ comes at a cost.
This includes being prepared to make the necessary sacrifices and face the consequences of our faith. It requires us to give up our own desires and ambitions, and follow Him wherever He may lead us.

Following Christ
The lives of His disciples are a testimony to the cost of following Christ. They left behind their homes, families, and livelihoods to follow Him. They faced persecution and hardship, many even losing their lives.
The cost of following Christ is placing your trust in His good plan for your life and submitting to God’s will as outlined in the Bible.
To be clear, God’s will is not for you to give money so that He will bless you with financial abundance in return. Nor is it God’s will that the power of your words will speak things into existence and manifest blessings into your life.
Those conjured spells of prosperity go against what the Bible teaches and betray the meaning of true faith.
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” God’s will for a Christ follower’s life is about loving Him and following His commands, living a life of holiness and righteousness, all while serving others.
Following Christ is not about receiving, it is about giving. Giving yourself to Christ, giving your service to others, and denying yourself.
So will you dare to deny yourself, to bear your cross and follow Him? Are you ready to pay such a price? Are you ready to follow Him, no matter the cost? I urge you to consider carefully before you answer, for the road ahead will not be easy!